8 Travel Lessons For Life

Sneha Christall
9 min readApr 26, 2021

It was just another bright and sunny February morning in Havelock Island, India. And I was just another tourist, who had signed a statement that said I was medically fit to dive 12m underneath the Indian Ocean with a certified scuba professional, and was solely responsible for any impendent casualties! We were a group of six, out of which only two of us had any experience swimming in the ocean… Following a brief session on breathing underwater, handling our diving equipment and the basic scuba signs, our motorboat quickly approached the dive site. My companions and I soon quieted down. The glittering turquoise waters that we first set eyes on as we landed at the Port Blair airport, now surrounded us from all ends. It was beautiful and terrifying in equal measure…

In this blog post, I invite you to a deeply personal journey- discovering yourself through travel. With the second COVID wave upon us in India, I hope you all continue to remain safe at home- and instead, journey through a few of my ‘travel discoveries’, some of which I’m sure, we share in common!

1. Travel opens up your mind to an altogether new way of living.

When travelling, always make it a point to befriend locals and visit lesser known places. Travel forces you to lay aside all preconceived notions of how things are done and makes you question deep-seated convictions that are a part of your own culture and upbringing. I am especially intrigued by how much our food habits change every 100 kilometers in India.



Sneha Christall
Sneha Christall

Written by Sneha Christall

Wanderer, memory collector. Writer for A Little Bit Better, Be Yourself, Change Becomes You, Hello, Love, Mindfully Speaking and On the Couch.

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