8 Self-Care Tips For A Better You

Sneha Christall
7 min readJun 7, 2021

‘Self-care’ is one of those terms that are bandied about all over social media these days. We have all seen & equated self-care with those chick flicks where the girl sips on some wine in a bathtub full of roses with some form of face mask on, nine times out of ten 😛

In this blog, I want to debunk some of these culturally appropriated myths & discuss other facets of self-care, pertaining to mental health, general wellness and quality of life.

Myth #1

Self-care is for girls or women only.

Fact: Self-care is for EVERYONE.

Myth #2

Self-care = selfishness.

Fact: Self-care is about prioritizing your health and wellness, while of course, not posing any threat to others!

On a side note, who else here loves Schitt’s Creek? 😃

I believe self-care is about intentionally cultivating your inner joy and peace, which is not dependent on external agents. When you take care of yourself, you become a better version of you — empowered with a healthy mind, you are in a better place to share your happiness with others!



Sneha Christall

Wanderer, memory collector. Writer for A Little Bit Better, Be Yourself, Change Becomes You, Hello, Love, Mindfully Speaking and On the Couch.